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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Before I hit the deck ..................

Here is a a special thought I would like to leave before we take our weekoff:

" I could forward a hundred heart - warming notes about Friendship
but sometimes
they are too long and meant nothing at all
All I want to say is simple yet ha a lot of meaning to it,

Thank you chinggus for being my FRIEND" Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are having a relaxing week off. Seems very sentimental over there.

Kim ^^

6:23 PM

Blogger Flor said...

its Raining out here and its also Rain's birthday, maybe that's the reason I feel so sentimental right now. :-)

7:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same for me, raining days makes me feel down and sentimental. And we end up liking a guy name Rain..hahah. But who can resist him. Though I have to say, I do look at rainy day differently because of him. It doesn't seem so bad anymore.

Kim ^^

9:19 PM

Blogger Flor said...

i dont like the Rain so much, makes me feel gloomy, but now when i go out and it starts to drizzle a little, i always think of Rain saying goodbye to me and as i look heavenward i always say a short prayer to the Great One above to take care of my family and Rain.

4:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before the man Rain comes into my life, rainy day to me is very blah. Strong cup of coffee to keep me moving and dragging my feet. Now a day when it rains, I will think of that special guy and wonder how he's doing.

Kim ^_^

7:23 AM

Blogger Flor said...

why is it that we only think of one person when it Rains (very obvious isnt it). as i have said, just like you i dont like it when it Rain but now its different. we all have one thing in common, loving the feel of Rain in our heart.

3:23 PM

Blogger Flor said...

gomapta for being one of those few who like them to end up together. you take care and visit my site again. chawsumneeda, flor

4:05 AM


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