A place where you can read almost anything and everything under the sun.

Monday, January 30, 2006


It's been so many years since I got the chance to say Happy Birthday My Dear James. Its been 15 long years since I last saw my better half. Had he lived, he would have been 44 years old today. We would have celebrated his birthday like any family would have celebrated the birthday of a loved one. There would be a party at home, James loved having parties and acting as a great host, cracking up jokes, doing his famous jerky dance, filling-up his belly with beer and eating PANCIT and ADOBO (he loves chicken not pork). There would be added memories in our photo book, me acting as photographer again while he and his buddies do all those weird poses. Greetings would be thrown here and there, old chums would come, his airforce commander in tow together with his wife and kids.

It would be a grand celebration lasting until the wee hours of the morning. Whenever he host a party he would always tell me, "Well, I only got to celebrate my birthday once a year, why waste it." Yeah right, my dear why waste it, we only live once in our lives, true enough why spoil the fun.

Looking back into those memories, I always ask myself is it worth it. You always say that you have your duty/obligation however you call it, to your beloved country. Huh, does being too patriotic shielded you from being gunned down to death by your own troops. It would have been easier to accept your demise had you died during a battle. But no, your plane crashed with you and 8 other servicemen in it because of what, a STUPID "Friendly Fire." I know people makes mistake but how stupid can those people be, not being able to distinguish an enemy plane from their own troops plane.

You told me you'd come back the last time we talked. You did didn't you but why come back in a box. It's been 15 long years and I haven't forgotten the fight we had before you left for IRAQ. It's never been easy without you. Had you left me because of somebody else or just tired out of the relationship, it would have been easier for me to accept. At least, there is this small possibility that maybe, just maybe , you would come back and everything will be okay again. During your last call, you told me that when you come back we will celebrate, we even planned on going out of town to celebrate your return. Remeber the letter you sent before you died, I received said letter and you told me things you were not able to say to me personally. I treasure that letter and to this day that letter had always been a reminder for me on how much you really loved me.

Mike told me how they tried to save you and he even told me you last few words. Those same words were the ones you wrote to me the day you died.

Thank you for the love and the memories my James. I will never forget you. I know its time for me to move on but how can I move on knowing that part of me died when you you died. It was neve easy when you left so suddenly. I am trying to survive since I have a kid to remind me that I should take care of myself. That another human being is relying on me to love and support him. I am trying James, its just that, its not easy doing things on my own. I am used to having you beside me, to play your practical jokes, to give me a massage when I am tired, the usual hugs and kisses. I can never get used to not having you near me. My life was empty without you. I tried loving again but it was a complete disaster. I only ended up being traumatized by it.

You will always be my James, the James who loved me for who I am, the one who made me complete, the one who taught me what love is really all about. To you I have these words to say, I will always love you and I will never, ever forget. I LOVE YOU and I will wait for that day when we will finally be together once again.


Saturday, January 21, 2006


Of all the friends

I've ever met,

You're the one

I won't forget.

And if I die

Before you do

I'll go to heaven

And wait for you

I'll give the angels

Back their wings

And risk the loss

Of everything

Just to prove

My friendship is true!

Story Posted

Don't let your day go on without reading the short story I posted under Angels, The Pink Dress, no matter how busy you may be!!!

Happy reading and hope you will like it. c',)

Friday, January 20, 2006

When Goodbye Is a Gift

Know what guys, no matter how we pretend to be strong or say we find comfort with the knowledge that they are already "somewhere out there" having a grand time of their life because they have already left this @#$%&* world which is full of @#%$*@, being left behind by the person most dear to us will always leave an empty space in our heart. It may not be the same with everybody, but for me it did, big time and until now......

"For those left behind, the last words of loved ones can offer comfort, insight into death, and lessons about living. "
By Joan Halifax Roshi

With his life ebbing, two miles beneath the earth's surface, Martin Toler, Jr. took what precious little energy he had to scribble a note to his loved ones. Toler, who died in the Sago Mine incident last week, turned his finals thoughts to those closest to him: "Tell all - I [will] see them on the other side..." "It wasn't bad, I just went to sleep." And at the bottom: "I love you." In reaching out to his family through the darkness, Mr. Toler also touched many of us.
I have often sat by the bedside of dying people with their relatives close, waiting for those "last words." The threshold between life and death imparts poignancy to the utterances of the dying. Some believe the veil between this world and the next is thinnest at this time, that we can somehow penetrate the mystery of death through their experience. Perhaps those closest to death can tell us what we long to know: What is this mystery we call death? And, knowing that death is inevitable, what do they treasure most? Mr. Toler answers with words of reassurance and compassion: His dying was as gentle as falling to sleep, and, he told his loved ones, his connection to them will transcend this world. His note is a gift to all of us. His simple message seems to honor the best in our human connectedness, suggesting that it is the relationships in our lives that are most precious and holy.

Last words can also raise profound questions for the living, and propel us on a search for our own answers. The writer Elizabeth Barrett Browning uttered the word: "Beautiful," as she was dying. We ask ourselves, Can death be beautiful? Charles Darwin exclaimed, "I am not the least afraid to die," and we wonder, Am I afraid to die? The last words Thomas Edison uttered were, "It is very beautiful over there." Where is this 'over there'? Will I get there? Who will be there? The last words of Jesus, from Luke 23:46, were "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." To what will I commend my spirit?

All of these last words are teachings--not only about death, but about how we live. Ultimately they help us understand the truth of impermanence, the fragility of all that we love, and can be a wondrous admonition to appreciate the life before us right now. Some believe we will meet each other on the "other side." Yet in this hope, we may ask ourselves: Can we meet each other now? Gautama Buddha said, "the whole of the holy life is good friends." He too seemed to believe that relationships are what give depth and meaning to our lives.

"I love you," said Mr. Toler. "Beautiful," said Elizabeth Barrett Browning. We cannot know death except by dying: This mystery lies underneath the skin of life. But we can learn something from those who are closest to death's door.

source: http://www.beliefnet.com/nllp/Inspiration.aspx?WT.mc_id=Inspiration03&date=01-12-2006

Krispy Kremes 2006 Calendar


My site is wholesome, so if you want to enlarge pics, just click on the images.

Want another bite of those donuts!

Which Tree are You?

Being born May 19, I'm a Chestnut Tree. Look at Bi's Tree, The APPLE TREE, be the judge. I think it clearly describes Oppa!

Dec 23 to Jan 01 Apple Tree
Jan 01 to Jan 11 Fir Tree
Jan 12 to Jan 24 Elm Tree
Jan 25 to Feb 03 Cypress Tree
Feb 04 to Feb 08 Poplar Tree
Feb 09 to Feb 18 Cedar Tree
Feb 19 to Feb 28 Pine Tree
Mar 01 to Mar 10 Weeping Willow Tree
Mar 11 to Mar 20 Lime Tree
Mar 21 (only) Oak Tree
Mar 22 to Mar 31 Hazelnut Tree
Apr 01 to Apr 10 Rowan Tree
Apr 11 to Apr 20 Maple Tree
Apr 21 to Apr 30 Walnut Tree
May 01 to May 14 Poplar Tree
May 15 to May 24 Chestnut Tree
May 25 to Jun 03 Ash Tree
Jun 04 to Jun 13 Hornbeam Tree
Jun 14 to Jun 23 Fig Tree
Jun 24 (only) Birch Tree
Jun 25 to Jul 04 Apple Tree
Jul 05 to Jul 14 Fir Tree
Jul 15 to Jul 25 Elm Tree
Jul 26 to Aug 04 Cypress Tree
Aug 05 to Aug 13 Poplar Tree
Aug 14 to Aug 23 Cedar Tree
Aug 24 to Sep 02 Pine Tree
Sep 03 to Sep 12 Weeping Willow Tree
Sep 13 to Sep 22 Lime Tree
Sep 23 (only) Olive Tree
Sep 24 to Oct 03 Hazelnut Tree
Oct 04 to Oct 13 Rowan Tree
Oct 14 to Oct 23 Maple Tree
Oct 24 to Nov 11 Walnut Tree
Nov 12 to Nov 21 Chestnut Tree
Nov 22 to Dec 01 Ash Tree
Dec 02 to Dec 11 Hornbeam Tree
Dec 12 to Dec 21 Fig Tree
Dec 22 (only) Beech Tree

YOUR TREE(in alphabetical order)

Apple Tree (the Love
) -- quiet and shy at times, lots of charm, appeal,and attraction, pleasant attitude, flirtatious smile, adventurous,sensitive, loyal in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tenderpartner, very generous, many talents, loves children, needs affectionatepartner.

Ash Tree (the Ambition) -- extremely attractive, vivacious, impulsive,demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented,likes to play with fate, can be very egotistic, reliable, restless lover,sometimes mon! ey rules over the heart, demands attention, needs love and much emotional support.

Beech Tree (the Creative) -- has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialistic, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetimecompanion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sports, etc.).

Cedar Tree (the Confidence) -- of rare strength, knows how to adapt,likes unexpected presents, of good health, not! in the least shy, tends to look down on others, self-confident, a great speaker, determined, often impatient, likes to impress others, has many talents, industrious, healthy optimism, waits for the one true love, able to make quick decisions.

Chestnut Tree (the Honesty) -- of unusual stature, impressive,well-developed sense of justice, fun to be around, a planner, borndiplomat, can be irritated easily, sensitive of others feelings, hardworker, sometimes acts superior, feels not understood at times, fiercely family oriented, very loyal in love, physically fit.

Cypress Tree (the Faithfulness) -- strong, muscular, adaptable, takeswhat life has to give but doesn't necessarily like it , strives to becontent, optimistic, wants to be financially independent, wants love andaffection, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied,faithful, quick-tempered at times, can be unruly and careless, loves togain knowledge, needs to be needed.

Elm Tree (the Noble-mindedness) -- pleasant shape, tasteful clothes,modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.

Fig Tree (the Sensibility) -- very strong minded, a bit self-willed,honest, loyal, independent, hates contradiction or arguments, hard worker when wants to be, loves life and friends, enjoys children and animals, few sexual relationships, great sense of humor, has artistic talent and great intelligence.

Fir tree (the Mysterious) -- extraordinary taste, handles stress well,loves anything beautiful, stubborn, tends to care for those close to them,hard to trust others, yet a social butterfly, likes idleness and lazinessafter long demanding hours at work, rather modest, talented, unselfish,many friends, very reliable.

Hazelnut Tree (the Extraordinary) -- charming, sense of humor, verydemanding but can also be very understanding, knows how to make a lastingimpression, active fighter for social causes and politics, popular, quitemoody, sexually oriented, honest, a perfectionist, has a precise sense ofjudgment and expects complete fairness.

Hornbeam Tree (the Good Taste) -- of cool beauty, cares for its looksand condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable aspossible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life, looks for kindness andacknowledgment in an emotional partner, dreams of unusual lovers, isseldom happy with its feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure ofits decisions, very conscientious.

Lime Tree (the Doubt) - intelligent, hard working, accepts what lifedishes out, but not before trying to change bad circumstances into goodones, hates fighting and stress, enjoys getaway vacations, may appeartough, but is actually soft and relenting, always willing to makesacrifices for family and friends, has many talents but not always enoughtime to use them, can become a complainer, great leadership qualities, isjealous at times but extremely loyal.

Maple Tree (Independence of Mind) -- no ordinary person, full ofimagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud,self-confident, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has manycomplexities, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants toimpress.

Oak Tree (the Brave) -- robust nature, courageous, strong, unrelenting,independent, sensible, does not like change, keeps its feet on the ground,person of action.

Olive Tree (the Wisdom)
-- loves sun, warmth and kind feelings,reasonable, balanced, avoids aggression and violence, tolerant, cheerful,calm, well-developed sense of justice, sensitive, empathetic, free ofjealousy, loves to read and the company of sophisticated people.

Pine Tree (the Peacemaker) -- loves agreeable company, craves peace andharmony, loves to help others, active imagination, likes to write poetry,not fashion conscious, great compassion, friendly to all, falls stronglyin love but will leave if betrayed or lied to, emotionally soft, low selfesteem, needs affection and reassurance.

Poplar Tree (the Uncertainty) -- looks very decorative, talented, notvery self-confident, extremely courageous if necessary, needs goodwill andpleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, greatartistic nature, good organizer, tends to lean toward philosophy, reliablein any situation, takes partnership Seriously.

Rowan Tree (the Sensitivity) -- full of charm, cheerful, gifted withoutegoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest, and evencomplications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic,passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.

Walnut Tree (the Passion) -- unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts,often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions,spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommonpartner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, veryjealous and passionate, no compromise.

Weeping Willow (the Melancholy) - likes to be stress free, loves familylife, full of hopes and dreams, attractive, very empathetic, lovesanything beautiful, musically inclined, loves to travel to exotic places,restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to livewith when pressured, sometimes demanding, good intuition, suffers in loveuntil they find that one loyal, steadfast partner; loves to make others Laugh.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Moving Past Pain

By Charlene M. Proctor, PhD

According to Charlene M. Proctor, PhD, "Every day we have an opportunity to choose our attitude and focus our intentions in the present moment." The following excerpts from her new book, "The Women's Book of Empowerment: 323 Affirmations That Change Everyday Problems into Moments of Potential," explains ways to help overcome the past.

Never allow the past to hold you back from enjoying a full life. What have you got to lose, except a heavy burden? Forgiveness is usually the key to moving forward, which is why it’s on the path to gaining insight. When you forgive yourself, and those who have hurt you, you are able to release negative patterns that visit you over and over again. More important, you will finally sever the control that a memory of another person has over you. Stay in the present, affirm the good that has been a result of a bad situation, and love your authentic self even more than you did yesterday. You can do it!

If You Have a Bad Attitude
Today I change my focus by championing a new cause. I am the ambassador of positive thinking. I spread health, wealth, love, and happiness wherever I go. I love watching how my positive statements dissolve negativity in others. I am my own instrument of renewal of positive energy, and my positive outlook is stored deep within me. Every positive statement I make is rewarded.

If You Can’t Release the Past
Today I take all my unhappy memories out of my body and place them in a basket. My pain, my anger, and my resentments are placed in this basket. I have an angel that takes this basket of unhappiness from my hands and flies to the outer reaches of the universe and transforms it into loving energy that will revisit me later today. I forgive those around me and ask for divine assistance to hold me in a state of continual forgiveness.

If Your Family Did Not Allow You to Bloom
Spring is guaranteed to come. I can bloom no matter what the weather, because I am growing spiritually each day. Today I take time to notice how I have bloomed so beautifully despite my circumstances. I am capable of reaching for the run and sky because that is my natural state. I am reaching upward every day and do so joyfully, knowing I am grounded in the life cycle of spiritual development.

If You Have Frequent Family Feuds
I choose to be a spectator, not a participant, in a negative energy generation. I facilitate healing by taking time to ask for divine assistance for this family’s difficulties. I visualize these family members embracing one another for their diversity and know that each one helps another on their soul journey. Every loving and positive word I speak about my family helps to generate more healing.

If You Have Trouble Forgiving
I forgive because I am capable of expressing compassion. By forgiving, I release this situation from my energy field and feel clear-headed and full-hearted. I forgive because I am able to rise to my higher self and feel lighter. My light knows no boundaries when I forgive. Life feels lighter when I forgive.

If Your Family Has Patriarchal Attitudes
I am a spark of the Divine; therefore I am of the same soul substance as everyone else. From this day forward, I recognize my gifts of both male and female energy and reclaim a balanced image of my infinite power. Those who do not believe in me are denying part of their own divine nature; therefore they have no power over me. I am supported by Mother God!

If You Have Regrets
Life is a curvaceous and fluid journey. Because I am always moving through leaning stages, I cannot look back or measure. I learn though my relationships because that is how I begin to define who I am. Nothing is unforgivable in life. I know nursing this hurt is holding me back from fully being with other; therefore I choose to thank the universe for giving me another opportunity to develop my soul by knowing another person. I move easily through this experience.

If You Repeat the Same Patterns
I keep experiencing the same events in my life because I have not learned a lesson at the deep level of the soul. I am committed to changing my behavior, attitude, and negative belief systems. I learn from past mistakes. Life is a self-educational process and I am a perceptive individual. I watch others as they model what I need to learn. I love all my talents as well as my imperfections because that is what makes me the beloved person I am.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Another Year ......

Its a new year once again, another year of new stuff, new experiences, new friends to meet and new aspects in life to explore.
Come to think of it, what did happen to me last year. It was not such a good year actually. So many things happened, so many problems and heartaches felt yet, here I am still trying to survive them all. Some say just go on with life, I say the same thing when others ask for my opinion/advise but being honest with myself, let's just say I dont follow them. Not easy, YES, coz its not.

What did happen to me last year????? Okay I will start, first quarter of 2005.
1st Quarter: I'm still a probationary employee at the company I am working right now. still got another month to finish before I can completely say I am a regular employee. Not much happened this quarter, met new acquantances though aside from the ones I already met. Oh I forgot, I started watching Korean TV Series but nothing caught my attention that much. Why? let's just say I am not interested in watching any of those stuff coz' find them too boring.

2nd Quarter: I am now a regular employee and I also a year was added to my already increasing age. No problem though, I am at least, going somewhere. Unlike my other officemates who availed of the early retirement package our previous employer give, I am lucky enough to find another job. My birthday wasn't such a joyous one, just like any regular everyday, day to day routinary, humdrummms whatever. People at work where all so happy singing me a birthday song to my delight, smootches here and greetings there, cards given, even old friends at my previous work texted me to greet me a very nice happy birthday. At home, that's where the difference lie. DOnt' want to elaborate, not nice to remember. Let's just say at least I got a very nice hug and kiss from my baby, that's enough for me. My kid is my whole life and will always be as long as I live. So let's forget about that stuff, let's proceed to other the other stuff that caught my attention. My mom and sister started watching "Full House" a Korean TeleSeries and ask me to join them which in turn I did and started liking the story. It was my sister who like Rain and Song Hye Gyo and requested me to research on the two. I did and let's just say the rest was history. Until now I dont know why I got hooked with a Korean guy whose songs I dont even understand, but I did get hooked. I tried looking for fan site but to my dismay, I cant find any.

3rd Quarter:
The highlight of my life started here. I found a site, the Philippine counterpart of the fanclub, who also like the Korean Guy I like. I attended their so-called meetings and joined other countries fanclub for the same guy. The office work is still the same except for some changes in the process I handled. I was transfered to another process and met new people who also became close to me at the same time. This was also the time that my depression was kicking in. I am having problems here and there and everything was just closing in on me all at the same time. Ever heard of the popular saying, "When it Rain it pours," well, lets just say mine was not just a rain but a thunderstorm. I tried looking for answers to my questions and unbiased advise to what is happening to me, but when I think about it now, the only person who can help me then was the one above. Would you believe I started questioning His plans for me during those depressing times. I was asking why it always had to be me. I never did anything, as far as I know, that will upset Him. I tried to live the way He would want me to live, though i am not perfect, i tried to be one. I said I surpassed His other trials why give me more again this time. This was also the time when I said I had enough. I really did tried ending it all cause I am so damn tired of everything. I tried holding on to the Hope and Faith that I nurtured for the past decade of my life but would you believe all those disappeared in just a quick second. Maybe He has other plans for me because my attempt to end it all boiled down to having a knight and shining armour in the middle of Makati City. I was not able to thank the guy who saved me from my stupidity then but I did get a tongue lashing from the guy who nearly hit me. I was still in a trance when I reached my workplace then but being numbed from head to foot I ended up on the floor unconcious. I tried living my life once again and did tried getting back the old spunk in my life that was loss. Others advised me to try going out on a date again but I just cant do it, not just yet.

4th Quarter:
I can summarize the last quarter of my life for 2005 in just a few sentence but this is also the time I met a friend who for some reason or another became a very dear one to me til this day. I dont want to get my hopes high but at least I am able to share how I felt during those depressing times in my life. During this quarter at least I am able to start enjoying myself. It may not be too much for others but for me its a start. The short talk we had at Starbucks then gave me the chance to unwind my depressed feeling and for some reason SHE was able to communicate with me the message I need to hear. SHE did not say much but I know, somehow, she understands. I enjoy her company and we try to get out once in a while. Right now there are five (5) of us who enjoy chit chatting, eating in one of the Korean Resto here in Makati Ave., and I enjoy it a lot.

I am a simple person with simple wishes in life. I dont expect much but I try as much as possible to give out the best possible care I can give. I am also gullible and that's how they call me at my previous work because I trust people too easily. What is not to like about people, everybody has their own uniqueness and differences which attracts and bind them together.

It was because of a Korean Guy named Rain that I was able to get a grip of my life once again. I started listening to music once again, I started living once again, I started believing in life once again and would you believe I started trusting people once again. Others might not believe me but who cares, Rain did that to me. I met my friends because of him and I am enjoy their company. Rain may not know it but he gave me back my life once again.
That's about it. I dont know what the new year has in store for me. I just pray it would not be the same as last year. I will try to live my life one day at a time once again.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Five ways to live a happier life this year.

Today's Quote: "There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

Prescription#1: Gratitude
A gentleman I was talking to on the phone related that his doctor and the EMR team had told him his heart stopped beating and he had died at least five times during surgery. He concluded our conversation by saying, “I used to have troubles, but now I have only blessings.” His outlook clearly had been turned around by this experience.

I meditate each day, and one portion of the meditation consists of my thinking about what I am grateful for. Most of us never stop to consider our blessings; rather, we spend the day only thinking about our problems. But since you have to be alive to have problems, be grateful for the opportunity to have them. Some people use their problems to get attention and are afraid to give them up and be blessed. I prefer to appreciate life and accept my problems as a part of my life.

When my body gets to the point where I can no longer function or feel gratitude, then I’ll leave it and become grateful again. But until then, I will appreciate what I have and not whine about what I don’t have. I will feel blessed by life and the opportunity to help others see that they are blessed too. Blessings come in many shapes and sizes. Be prepared, as my gentleman caller was.

Prescription #2: Hope
Hope restores us. What each of us hopes for will differ and change with time. I believe we need hope to go on living. Hope inspires us to reach for the future. It gives us something to look forward to and strive for on our path.

If we had no hope—for a cure, for winning the lottery, for falling in love, for the end of war, for being free of abuse, or for having food, warmth, clothing, and shelter—we would have no reason to go on. What you hope for doesn’t matter, but rather the essence of hope itself.

I see people who die a few minutes after a doctor tells them there is no hope of a cure. They give up and go. Others get angry and find joy in proving the doctor wrong. Something within them is challenged and hopeful. Hope is the divine motivator.

Prescription #3: Guidance
One day Marilyn, one of our support group members, sent me an email with the subject line “guidance.” In her email, she told me that the word “dance” being a part of the word guidance made her think about how dancing is like doing God’s will. Two people dancing are not struggling with each other; one leads and the other willingly follows. When the two become a team, their movements flow in harmony with each other. When she looked back at the word she saw the G as representing God and then U and I. So guidance is about God, you, and I dancing together.

When you are willing to trust and believe, guidance comes. I believe the rhythm we should all be dancing to comes from our Creator. It allows us to move as a team while creating our unique dance of life.

Prescription #4: New Year’s Resolutions
It is not a bad thing to make a New Year’s resolution, but you can also continuously set yourself up to fail. Be realistic and forgiving. The best resolution is to accept your limitations and start from there. Resolve not to give up on yourself, and to love yourself, even when you don’t like your behavior. So resolve to practice doing what you have resolved, rather than achieving sainthood tomorrow.

As you write down your resolutions, remember these things: Be kind; do not set yourself up for failure by creating multiple resolutions that involve too much self-denial. Keep your goals manageable and realistic. The best resolutions leave one day of the week to enjoy being human and not living by any rules or expectations you have created.

Prescription #5: Every Day Is New Year's
A “new year” — I think the term is an oxymoron. How can you have a new year? You are the same person, and the world doesn’t start again with a clean slate. Your troubles don’t disappear. People don’t forgive you for what you did the year before. Unless you have amnesia, your life is anything but new when you awaken on the first day of the year. It is simply a way of measuring the passage of time. Why make such a fuss over it?

The truth lies in our desire to be reborn, to start again, to make resolutions and changes we can live up to. Then why wait for a certain date to start a new year? Why can’t tomorrow be New Year’s Day? Maybe it is!

I see it every day in my role as a physician: People learn they have a limited time to live, and they start their New Year behavior. They move, change jobs, spend more time with those they love, stop worrying about what everyone else thinks of them, and start to celebrate their life. They are grateful for the time they have to enjoy life and they stop whining about what they wish had happened during the past year.
When every evening is New Year’s Eve and every day you awaken is New Year’s Day, you are living life as it was intended.

Bernie Siegel's Soul Prescriptions
Five ways to live a happier life this year.
By Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.
From "365 Prescriptions for the Soul."
Used with permission of New World Library

source: http://www.beliefnet.com/nllp/Inspiration.aspx?WT.mc_id=Inspiration03&date=01-01-2006